Personalized Learning - Grade-free Learning

Grade-free Learning

Basically, personalized education is individually paced mastery oriented functional learning that takes individual needs and interests into consideration, without grades, but not released from performance.


Personalized Learning


Nowhere in the reports issued by our school will there be a school subject “personalized learning”. However, the subject teacher may of course consider a pupil’s positive results for grading. As the respective subject teachers have supplied the contents for the personalized learning from their curriculum, some pupils may use this material more thoroughly and more independently than originally intended in the subject’s class lessons. Additionally in individualized learning we set the minimum requirements as standard, but pupils of higher performance should, of course, exceed this.


Personalized Learning


Up-to-date, this philosophy of grade-free learning is interrupted by the class tests written in years 6 to 8 in the major subjects. The school is currently trying to find a settlement with our own School Supervisory Board on whether it might be possible to completely renounce class tests in the context of personalized learning, and to instead inform pupils and their parents in a detailed report on the individual learning progress.


Personalized Learning